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Why You Might Need Emergency Fiber Optic Repair Services

Fiber optic cabling offers faster speeds than traditional copper wiring. Not only that, but it can be run over long distances without degrading the data it carries. As such, it’s no wonder why so many businesses are turning to fiber optic cabling for their network.

However, nothing is fool proof. Fiber optic cables can fall victim to various weather and emergency-related events. As a result, you’ll need emergency fiber optic repair services at your disposal to get your team back online.

Our team can perform fusion splicing, OTDR and fiber testing, install SM/MM LC, SC, ST connectors and build splice enclosures. We have bucket trucks and fiber splice trailers to handle most any fiber installation or repair.

Below are a few instances where our emergency fiber optic repair services will be needed:

Water damage

Most fiber optic cables have advanced coatings that help repel water. However, in the splice enclosures, fiber optic cables are stripped of that coating. This is done so that the cables can be fused without any contaminants. While necessary, this does leave the cables at risk of water damage. In events of extreme weather or flooding, the splice enclosures may fail to keep the water away, thus damaging the cables.


Our towns and cities are constantly evolving. Unfortunately, construction can sometimes damage buried cables. Even something as simple as a hand shovel can sever your fiber optic cables and bring your network crashing down.

Ice crush

We said before that water can sometimes seep into the splice enclosures, harming the cables inside. In colder climates, that water will freeze and crush the cables. If you leave this problem for too long, then the ice will grow, and you may find the lid to the splice enclosure completely frozen shut.


Wild animals, especially rodents, can be a big threat to your fiber optic cabling. They tend to gnaw and chew on the cables, causing extensive damage. Unfortunately, this damage is often found too late.

Coastal Contracting offers emergency fiber optic repair services to help you get your network back online. Contact us today to learn more!

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