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VoIP vs. Landline: What’s the Difference?

When deciding on your business’ phone system, you will likely have one of two options: VoIP or landline. While many people are familiar with landlines, fewer are familiar with VoIP. However, VoIP offers unique benefits that help it standout from its landline counterpart.

What is a landline?

Landline telephones use copper wire phone technology to connect two phones. They send a signal through a switchbox which connects one phone with the other. Most of the phones we have used in the past were landline phones—they were plugged into a two or four pin wall jack which was then connected to a switchbox.

Unfortunately, landlines often require more maintenance and can take up more space. While they have basic features such as caller ID, call waiting, voicemail, and call blocking, they don’t offer much else.

What is VoIP?

VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol. Instead of using copper wire and a switch box, VoIP connects to the internet to send signals between two phones. Since VoIP is completely digital, it can be used not only on a traditional phone but also on a computer, smartphone app, tablet, and any other device that is connected to the internet.

VoIP has more features and flexibility than landlines. You have the basic features that landlines do, as well as additional features such as call recording, call queueing, conferencing, call monitoring, and more. Plus, VoIP requires fewer working parts, meaning it will need less maintenance and will be cheaper overall.

At Coastal Contracting, we offer bundles with our VoIP phone systems including VoIP and Cat 6 bundling, VoIP and fiber bundling, and more. These bundles will keep your business connected and save you money. Contact us today to learn more.

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