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The Most Common Reasons for Fiber Optic Cable Cuts

Fiber optic cables are durable and reliable. However, they’re not indestructible. Sometimes, fiber optic cables can be cut, causing disruptions in your internet service. Here, we discuss the most common reasons for fiber optic cable cuts so you can take steps to prevent them.


Animals, whether wild or pets, will try to eat anything they think looks like food. This includes fiber optic cables. Squirrels, rats, dogs, and other types of animals may try to chew or gnaw on your cables. You can prevent this, though, by using fiberglass insulation, steel tape, or chemical-infused cable jackets to protect your cables.

Weather and natural disasters

Strong wind, rain, snow, ice, hail, and even earthquakes can rupture fiber optic connectors. Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do prevent bad weather or natural disasters. When this happens, all you can do is have the proper insurance coverage and repair the damage as quickly as possible.

Construction work

Some fiber optic cables are buried underground. Usually, they are buried several feet below the surface, protecting them from animals and certain types of weather. However, nothing can stop construction vehicles. These can dig deep into the ground, sometimes rupturing your fiber optic cables if the workers aren’t careful enough. You can prevent this, though, by clearly mapping, recording, and marking where your fiber optic cables are so construction crews are aware of them.


Finally, there’s fire. Fire damage can take many forms, such as wildfires, arson, building fires, and more. Fireproofing your cables and taking proper precautions in your own building is the best way of preventing fire damage.

At Coastal Contracting LLC, we provide fiber optic installation and troubleshooting for Hampton Roads and the surrounding areas. Give us a call at 757-581-9890 to learn more.

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