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How Cold Weather Impacts Your Fiber Optic Cables

Fiber optic cables are fast and reliable. They offer higher bandwidth levels at a lower cost than traditional copper. However, fiber optic cables are not indestructible. Weather, specifically cold weather, can impact your fiber optic cables. Here’s how:

Freezing temperatures

Fiber optic cables carry data as pulses of light. While durable, those cables can be susceptible to water. If there are gaps or imperfect joints at the connectors, then water can easily get into the cables. Then, when the temperatures drop, that water will freeze and expand. As a result, the fibers bend and deform, reducing your bandwidth and even stopping data transmission altogether.

What can you do?

Thankfully, you can prevent these things from happening.

One way is to ensure your cables are installed properly so that water doesn’t seep into the cables. After all, water can’t freeze in your cables if there is no water in your cables to begin with.

Another way is to install your cables below the frost line. The frost line is that point in the ground where frost begins to form. If you bury your cables below this line, then the water won’t freeze. However, this can be expensive to do, as digging below the frost line is more difficult to do.

Finally, you can also add antifreeze liquid or gels to the fiber conduit. But once again, this can come with a high cost.

Clearly then, the best way to prevent freezing water in your cables is to get them installed correctly by the right team. At Coastal Contracting, we can install your fiber optic cables. Contact us today at 757-414-9494 to learn more.

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