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The Benefits of Fiber Optics

As the world becomes increasingly connected, more homes and businesses are switching to fiber optic cables. And there are good reasons why! Fiber optics are more reliable, durable, and secure than traditional methods. So, if you’re considering installing fiber optic cables, read on to learn some of the benefits of doing so:

High bandwidth levels

Fiber optics is a league ahead of most other technologies when it comes to bandwidth. Copper cables were originally designed only for voice transmission. As such, they have limited capabilities. Fiber optics, meanwhile, can provide more bandwidth and can thus carry more data than copper cables of the same diameter.

Faster speeds

Not only can fiber optics send more data than copper cables, but they can also send that data faster. This is essential in the fast-paced world that we now live in. You need to be able to make phone calls, download files, and send images all at once and as fast as possible. Fiber optic cables have the highest-speed possible, ranging from 5 Mbps to 100 Gbps.

Greater distances

Fiber optics can send more data at faster speeds and at greater distances. They can send data much further than copper cables which are limited to 328 feet. 10 Gbps fiber cables can carry data for almost 25 miles depending on the type of cable, the wavelength, and the network.

Lower cost

The upfront cost of fiber optic cables are greater than traditional copper. However, over the long term, you’ll actually be saving money. This is because fiber optic cables are more reliable and durable than copper. As such, you will not be spending money to get it repaired throughout the coming years.

Here at Coastal Contracting, we can install fiber optic cables for your business alongside VoIP phones. Contact us today to learn more.

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